Wednesday, October 19, 2005

And the prize for gratuitous tech goes to...

The guys at ChessBase, as discussed on gamasutra.

  • "ChessBase GmbH has taken the unusual step of licensing Ageia's PhysX hardware-accelerated physics engine for an upcoming chess game. Fritz 9, its upcoming release, will incorporate not only the physics engine but also 3D graphics and surround sound. "Fritz 9 is indeed the ultimate chess game, and Ageia PhysX technology is the ultimate physics solution for our game engine," said ChessBase managing director Jeroen van den Belt. "Ageia PhysX technology helps us continue to offer the magic of chess in new ways for new generations of players." Left unsaid by Mr. van den Belt was precisely what the physics engine's role in the traditionally sedate board game will be..."

I, for one, hope it's for a "TO HELL WITH YOU AND THIS BLASTED GAME!" board-and-table-flipping-in-a-fit-of-rage mode!

Seriously. C'mon Kathy! Focus, focus!


Anonymous said...

I think your example needs to be extended.. After you knock the board off.. You piss on it with your softbody penis.

Now THAT'S a physics demo.


KimPallister said...

Hey! Who's penis are you calling 'softbody'?!?

Speak for yourself buster!

Oh... that's a physics term? OK, never mind...