Sunday, November 30, 2008
On irony and strange bedfellows
We bought Alisa a new laptop, her 6 year old Toshiba having finally given up the ghost. (We bought a Viao, about which a series of whiny posts is coming soon).
During the setup/migration process, I had to install the latest Java runtime from Sun.
It's somewhat comical that the Sun JVM install piggybacks the MSN toolbar (presumably with a similar buck-an-install kickback that Google's offers), and then after the accept/decline of the toolbar, is immediately followed by a splash screen ad for OpenOffice.
9:42 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Why futurizing sucks, part II least if it sucks if you are Ben Stein, or anyone else other than Peter Schiff in this compilation:
10:21 PM
Why futurizing sucks, part I
via Kotaku:
In 1982 the president of Arista records, Clive Davis, wrote an editorial in Billboard magazine entitled "You can't hum a video game." His point was that, although the then newly-popular pastime of gaming was giving record companies the heebie-jeebies by threatening to eat into the spending power of the youth market, music would always have the upper hand compared to this newfangled bleepy nonsense.
Irony, she is a cruel mistress.
ThirtyTwenty Six years later, Gamasutra reported that Aerosmith have earned more from their Guitar Hero spin-off Guitar Hero:Aerosmith than from any single one of the fourteen albums they have released to date. The A&R man responsible for discovering Aerosmith? Step forward Clive Davis.
10:12 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Square sets sail for yesterday's new world
Square announces that they are going to be doing downloadables. Cool.
Of course the money quote is:
"...All formats – Xbox Live, WiiWare, PlayStation Network – are all viable formats for us"
Those aren't all the formats though. Are they? Just those that developers have been excited about for a few years.
PC, iPhone, (DS & PSP also support downloads now don't they?), etc.
Anyhow, says something about the industry's myopia. Kind of like europeans setting sail for the new world when those that settled it are already in wagons heading west.
11:15 AM
Downloadable Games,
Twitters from the attic
11:02 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Montrealers live a polygon
Just one. They share it.
This pic was a bad tagline that someone came up with for the MIGS conference. The photoshopped image in the background is from Habitat 67 ( a condo development from Expo67 famous for it's architectural cachet.
I guess someone thought it looked like an Unreal level or something :-)
11:15 PM
The Shipping Machine
From Jason Mitchell's MIGS talk, a second-hand pic of Valve's "shipping machine" which I mentioned in the post about his talk
11:07 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
MIGS (Post 4 of N): Jon Blow closing keynote
Jon got a massive turnout for the closing keynote of the show. I took some notes, but didn't post till now as thurs/fri were pretty busy and then in transit. Anyhow, In rough form, here they are:
Inspiration to be found for those of us to think about problems
Goals: To touch people, to change there lives.
Other media have no problem doing this.
Today we limit ourselves to 'If it was profound to you, it was from a game designer standpoint, not an emotional standpoint.'
Things that we do as a matter of course that prevent us from reaching those goals.
How do you make something important, profound, meaningful?
It musn't be.. Fake unimportant meaningless.
Two ways to be important to people. By expression. By introduction of activity.
Activity games (Madden, Wii sports, Pacman, Go)
Developers are always trying to make better stories.
Academics are working on dynamic story techniques.
Fallout 3, far cry 2, attempting dynamic story.
Story games are inherently conflicted.
People can sense a conflicted work. It wont strike them deeply. Disharmouious. It won’t resonate. How can we remove the conflict?
Conflict 1: story meaning vs dynamical meaning.
Dynamical meaning.
Art games (very small)
Communicating via behavior and perceptual primitives.
The Marriage by rod humble.
“Here’s what Rod’s marriage feels like”
Gravitation by Jason Rohrer
Expressing “real life” themes through rules of interactivity.
Stares become ice blocks/ideas become concrete projects
Blocks preven you reaching child – projects interfere with family.
(bug) (weird interpretation)
Ice block score decrease changes with a powerup. (stops counter)
What does this freeze mean in this game that is a metaphor for work/life balance.
More rules added, less pure interpretation, more of a mishmash
By adding/subtracting rules you travel a continuum. The resulting game will always have some meaning.
In the games industry we ignore this interpretation
Extend this to any game
Any time we stet up a system of behavior
“dynamical system”
…that system communicates something to the player, whether intentional or not.
This is the dynamical meaning.
(see Ian Bogosts “procedural rhetoric”, doesn’t need to be rhetorical or procedural)
Gravitaiton has thematic elements but does not tell a story.
Conflict 1:
Story meaning vs dynamical.
Mainstream designers not thinking about dynamical meaning. Rather implmenting story and basic gameplay mechanic that is “fun”. The story and fun mechanics have separate meanings that often clash.
Like having a scoring of film “happy carnival music" through a funeral scene.
We have happy carny music over every funeral…
How does this manifest in some popular games?
Altruism vs balance.
Bioshock: Rules showed very small token difference in ADAM whether or not you saved the girls.
GTA4: “I like Kate”. No, I don’t. The game rules expressed to me that I don’t care about her.
HL2: Alex relationship vs game progress.
We want to prevent these games from seeming fake.
How to resolve these conflicts?
- Don’t use story
- Don’t use dynamical meaning
- Make dynamical meaning match story.
A) Don’t use story
Story gives you “interesting mental stuff
What happens next, people doing things, Themes, moods
Can we supply interesting mental stuff that doesn’t come from story?
Whereas Rohrer-style games are hard, anyone can write a story?
How could we scale Gravitiation up?
The trend will always be toward the easiest things to throw money at (known quantity)
- Technically impossible. It’s automatic
- You could navigate to 0. So this devolves to case C.
C) “Tight coupling” (Bogost) or elemintate conflicts.
Like pressing bubbles out of wallpaper.
“change aspects of story that don’t fit story, vice versa (gameplay)
Designers not trained to consider dynamical meaning.
AAA production models do not support this. (late gameplay changes are very expenseive!)
2) Conflict 2: challenge vs progression.
We base most mainstream games on story, and also challenge.
Why challenge? It’s viscreral, fun, etc, but more fundamentally.
Challenge communicates to you that your interaction 'means something’ that it is important or necessary.
Story needs to occur, challenge is a friction preventing you from getting there.
Story is a reward
Challenge is about withholding that reqard until we deserve it.
Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment.
The Arrow can’t go to zero
“like “suspension of disbelief”
But for games and importance.
A reason to exist.
Without ANY challenge, that suspension is hard to maintain.
Faux challenge is unlikely to impact someone deeply, to change the player’s life.
Challenge is a precious thing: we can do it much more derictly that other media. We waste this. [Note: Braid makes a good case for this, doesn't it. The difficulty of some of the later puzzles really made the reward of progress that much sweeter; to me anyhow]
Challenge substitutes
Not difficult, but interesting.
“invitation-style” alternatives.
Open Problem: how to make game meaningfully response to player’s choices, without blocking progress.
Conflict 3: Intreactivity vs pre-baked delivery.
Trying to create Drama or Crafted Impact.
Required careful pacing and framing
Interactivity sabotages delivery.
You don’t know where the player came from, or what he just did.
Deus Ex spoof from “old man murray”
Interactivity sabotates structure!
Chehkov's Gun
“if you say in the first chapter that there’s a rifle hanging on the wall, then in chapter 2,3 it better go off”
Economy of audience attention.
Sideeffect of foresshadowing and justification
In a good story, it’s not random out of context gun.
Requires and intense preprocess.
Story is a filtered presentation of events that have already happened. ß games haven’t already happened.
Why is the gun there? What’s the history, etc.
Drama manager – “intelligent dramama manager? Yeah, show me… Can never match a human drama manager. A human drama manager can never match a human writing a pre-baked story.
Character animation analogy: Pre-baked CGI vs Live Physics {<-- ooh, good point!]
Recap: story telling techniques we suck at:
Potetic adjustment
Tone adjustment
Vocal emphasis
Body language
Dynamic stories are
Pretend stories
Poorly structured
Poorly delivered
Will always be awkward second fiddle to linear media. Not a good core value proposition for our medium.
Don’t use story. At least as not as a core value prop. We said this was hard
What does story provide people, can we provide it in a different way?
Why not pursue examples from other forms? Music, sculpture, painting, etc.
Art games are a good place to start. How afar can we go in this direction?
To try completely, we art game authors must abandon “the message model of meaning”
The message model of meaning is insufficient
"The moral of the story is”
High school: Taught to read works and say what they are about.
Gamers get mad at art games. Inherently pretentious. Being condescended to. This is often true! If the message model of meaning is applied, whe the works are created. Trivializes meaning. (high school 5 paragraph essay)
[Frank Lanz quote, I missed part of it, so my apologies for perhaps butchering it...]
"...meaning which is less specific, less concrete and deliberate, harder to define, harder to pin down, trancends the author reader conduit model of message styles. "
Message model author is at least a little deluded. The true meaning of a game is multidimensional and fuzzy. … more complex than what you set out to build.
"if I understand it, it can’t be that important."
Instead, what if I build something that readhes beyond the eduge of my understanding and we all explore it together. They will have a play experience that is very deep and very precious and meaningful.
So what does Freeze mean? I don't know, but I think I'll stop here.
11:49 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In the department of "you can't make this crap up"
Big three auto CEOs flew private jets to ask for taxpayer money.
5:02 PM
MIGS (Post 4 of N): Randy Smith's talk
Randy's talk was entitled "Games are Art, and what to do about it."
4:30 PM
MIGS (Post 3 of N): Jason Mitchell's talk
Jason Mitchell (former ATI, now at Valve a couple years) gave a talk on "Connecting Visuals to Gameplay)
4:11 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
MIGS (post 2 of N): Warren Spector keynote
Notes from Warren's awesome keynote. [my comments in braces]
Warren Spector keynote
Look back at 2005 talk – best of times, worst of times; had a pessimistic view; cautionary note; didn’t think next gen HW was going to solve everything.
So how’d we do?
“I was wrong about almost everything”
Positives still positive; negatives not so bad.
So why am I feeling good?
Gaming’s renaissance … but... Economic turn, Projects killed, Studios shut down, Layoffs, Plummeying stock, etc [posted some numbers - same ones I posted last week plus a few more]
So I was thinking, should I not do a positive talk? Should I come up with new topic?
We are still in a renaissance. Optimistic like I haven’t bene in a while.
Doing “ok” compared to other industries
We can be THE medium of 21st century
From book “A Whole new mind” by daniel pink.
6 secrets to successs
- Design
- Story
- Symphony
- Empathy
- Play
- Meaning
Holy crap – games do all this already.
Still optimistic... because
- - We are doing a lot of the right things.
- - What’s bad for OLD biz is good for NEW biz
- - We’re here to stay
Online: Best entertainment bargain on earth, WoW reportedly $1B+/yr; Facebook games, tons of fun and I'm not paying a dime. "$60 game is a bargain compared to a $60 date night” [<-- ok, that's a money quote right there]
“players have unprecedented control over their experiences. Whether competing in in facebook; building levels in LBP…” [missed rest of quote] - note from a playboy october 2008 article. Mainstream press talking about player control and UGC. Holy Cow!!! "When mainstream starts saying things like this, we are in a whole new world"
So no new topic, but new slant on things:
Instead of celebrating; Talk about what got us here, What do we have to do to stay here; What to do to continue to progress
- When the going gets tough; really, most people don't 'get going', they get conservative
- We need innovation and a renewed pioneer spirit
- Styles of Innovation
I'm going to use a 'discovery of the new world' metaphor
- Invention (scientists)
- Discover (Exploreres)
- Refinement (Settlers)
- Re-invention (pioneers)
Scientists – turn darkness into light – ask fundamental questions – build boats, sextants, notice curvature of horizon and wonder Hmm....
Steve Russel, Ralph Baer, Nolan Bushnell, etc
Explorers – use the scientists tools and inventions to go find new worlds – go find new things with them, make the maps - take that boat and go west.
Will Wright – Richard Garriot, Miyamoto, etc
Settlers – pilgrims, john smith at Jamestown – follow in footsteps of explorers, settle the new world in rough conditions and settle it and thrive
Chris Roberts; blizzard, Warren Spector falls in this camp, etc.
Don’t invent, synthesize, refine. Richard garriot established the rules that I wanted to break; Chris Roberts merged flight sims and star wars and role play to come up with wing commander
Moving into re-invention: Pioneers; Kitt Carson, Lewis and Clark; Self-conscious, sometimes university trained, interpreters; internet frontier is one of them; reinventing existing genres;
Flow, Braid, Rag doll kung fu, Crayon Physics, Facade, Portal, Everyday Shooter, Jello car, The night journey, Passage [ note to self, I have played all these games but the last two. Added to 'to play' list]
Refreshing to those that have played existing genre 100 times. Explosion of innovation in existing gernes, sometimes completely turned on their ear. Elevating them to the level of art
Not just little guys, but established guys ALSO being pioneers!!!
Spore, rock band, fallout 2, wii fit, fable II, little BigPlanet; Guitar Hero; - established companies; EA doing 5 original IP’s this year. Go EA!!!
Why innovate?
We’re not done figuring this medium out
- - Culturally,
- - Aesthetically
- - Commercially
- - Personally
- Personally:
Players experincdes hundreds of games. Developers get to make far fewer. Make each one MEAN something? [note, this doesn't pop off the page, but the intonation was along the lines of 'no one lies on their death bed and says 'I wish I'd made more sequels to madden'. Will you lie on your death bed and say, 'I made a game that MEANT something to people']
Plenty of problem areas:
Interactive stories
- Developer created?
- Player driven
- Collaborative storytelling
- Better actors
- Character graphics
- Physicality
- Expressiveness
- Character interaction
- Communication
Jonathan Rauch
Non-compbat AI
- Stuck with adolescent power fantiastis
- Limited verbs, limited player expression tools.
[thought: they are animals that articulate well?]
- Worlds (or sandboxes)
- Allow deep player interaction options
- Not movie sets
- Limited player interaction - kind of goes against what we stand for, no?
Virtual Dungeonmasters
- - Good stories are made, not found
- - Systems should respond to players
- - dynamically modify local conditions
- - Accommodate unexpected choices
Not by Online Alone
- MMO should be 'More Mainstream Online'
- - A coherent language of design
- - Online biz model that actually works
- - Consistent sources of tenanted devs
- - Reasonable approach to the preservation of our history
“invention has it’s own algorithm"
- 1. Go indie
- Find a patron or self fund
- 2. Be famous and eccentric
- G Go undercover
- Be part of a team, but introduce SOMETHING
- Join a cult
- - i.e. you join Valve, you know what you are getting
- start your own movement if you can’t find one.
Go small or self-organize
- you can’t dictate innovation
- - spherical core = general direction
- Self organizing teams = execution
Be open to change
a. Flexibility in execution is key
b. Blindtest early and often
c. Fail quickly & often
i. Regroup
ii. Revover
iii. Redirect (also quickly)_
Have a purpose
“bigness of purpose is what seperates the 20th century and 21st century organizations. You must strive to change the world"
Umair Haque - “Obamas seven lessons for radical innovators”
Harvey Smith – started at origin as a tester – was there 2-3 AM every night. Talking about what mattered about games he wanted to make. That’s what led him to where he could make his own games…
We are not immune to economic downturn. But as a medium, we are doing well. I see exhilarating joyous innovation and progress, in academia, in garages, in major pubs. Haven’t seen innovation like this
Publishers, don’t get conservative
Indie developers, dare to be great
Team members, fine ONE new thing.
Too many indies who’s work looks like a portfolio piece.
BE AN AGENT FOR CHANGE wherever you are
Geroge Bernard shaw quote:
“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”
10:34 PM
MIGS 08 (1 of N posts)
I'm at Montreal Game Summit this week. Have some meetings to attend but am managing some sessions for a change, so will try to blog notes from a number of them. Watch for them in coming posts.
Overall notes on the show:
10:31 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Random thinking on bulbs.
Our house has a lot of light bulbs. Lots of them. Most are recessed halogen floods. They burn out from time to time and they aren't cheap to replace. I hadn't relaced them with CFL's as they are of a particular form factor that is hard (short-necked 50w PAR30's, if you care).
Anyhow, fed up, I decided to bulk purchase them online. Price comparison:
Halogen at Home Depot: ~$9 each; 50w
Same online: ~$5 each; 50w
CFL equivalent online: ~$18 each; 15w draw
LED equivalent online: ~$25 each; 4w draw (but only equivalent to a 30W bulb brightness)
So if I wanted to replace them all (about 50 in the house), there's a $600 delta between CFL's and the regular halogens. On the other hand,at 9c per KW/hr, there's a savings of 16c/hr for every hour we have all the lights on, or maybe something like 5c/hr averaged over the course of a day, or $1.20/day. Call it $1 a day. So they pay for themselves in 2yrs or so.
Of course, they pay for themselves more quickly if used in high-usage lights, so that's where I'm going to start, having ordered less than a dozen of them. Will start with the kitchen and house entry and we'll see from there.
The LEDs should be an even bigger savings, but I'm a little worried the ones I found are too dim. Will look for some brighter ones and maybe try those out.
11:37 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Economy: Well, at least we all agree
I was at a business dinner last night where the subject of the economy came up. Opinions ranged from "everything back to normal in 6 months" to "slump for 3-4 years".
9:22 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Review: Hello Kitty MP3 Player!
One of the little fringe benefits of blogging is that people occasionally send stuff in the mail in the hopes that you'll like it and write about it. I figure it's simple enough to do so, though I'll be honest in writing it up and if it sucks then so be it.
- It's cheap ($40 list (street probably $30-35?))
- Functioning as a flash drive doesn't mean you have to use proprietary SW like iPod or Zune
- Backlit display
- Faceplates add bulk (see pics in this review comparing to the thickness of an ipod)
- included earbuds are *awful* quality
- The user interface is horrendous.
7:37 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Flying car? No. Flying pot roast? YES!
Fred Meyer (west coast grocery/department chain) has installed 3D displays from 3DEO with "3D Coupon Dispenser".
OK, while the tech is a bit nifty, the giant floating plate of roast turkey COMING OUT TO GET ME! (it really was floating way out in front of the device when viewed live) didn't do anything to make me want to buy it. Nor did the giant avocado COMIN TO GET ME! or the cantelope melon COMIN TO GET ME!!!!
10:55 PM
Buy low, sell high
Another exhibit at OMSI, it's a stock trading simulator.
We've all seen these before, but this one was cool in that it (a) was a better sim, with 4 different "trading desk" stations where people could sit and trade while also watching the market action and news on the big screen, and (b) at the same time was highly simplified, with only 4 stocks to buy or sell.
Probably doable for 9-10 year olds.
10:51 PM
Balancing the budget
The OMSI science museum now has a little section on economics (timely). One of my fave exhibits for the kids was this game of literally balancing the budget. The bag'o'money on the left is fixed income. The blocks on the right are different size/weight and are labelled things like "big house", "small house", "groceries", "eating out", etc.
The twins grokked it super quick. Though they chucked auto payments off in favor of 'buy toys'.
Can't say I haven't done the same!
10:48 PM
Quintessential Irony
Starbucks point of sale CD rack labelled "The quintessential soundtrack to a crisp fall day".
On this particular fall day, that sound track included a glam rock collection. Because nothing says autumn foliage colors like Adam Ant, I guess.
10:44 PM
Epaper esquire deconstructed
I tore apart the cover of my Esquire e-paper cover issue (blogged about a while back)
The second screen is missing because I peeled the layers apart until non-functional.
The display shown is still clocking along on my office wall. It appears to be 12 "pixels" or regions (e.g. "The 21st Century" is one region that must all be on or off), and has 4 states. White, light gray, dark gray, or black. The two larger ICs on the board are 8-bit shift registers, so it's just wired to cycle through a pattern of 'region 1; region 1, 3 and 8; region 2 and 8...." or such. Pretty simple. I'm guessing the 3rd is a timer, but I didn't look it up.
It makes it pretty useless to hack though. I was hoping it would be a regtangular grid of pixels, in which case you could do some fun stuff with it.
11:51 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The taste of crow up in Redmond
"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance. It's a $500 subsidized item... They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I'd prefer to have our software in 60% or 70% or 80% of them, than I would to have 2% or 3%, which is what Apple might get." - Steve Ballmer, April 2007
7:47 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Ambient Life
Cool bit of futurism here.
11:27 PM
Book Review: Settlers of the New Virtual Worlds
So I've just finished Settlers of the New Virtual Worlds, by Erik Bethke & Erin Hoffman. It's actually both written and edited by them because the bulk of the book is a collection of essays by others.
- Raph Koster's piece on a declaration of player's rights (borrowing heavily from the 1789 French Declaration of Man and the Citizen and from the US bill of rights).
- Ren Reynolds' piece on issues with claims with virtual property and IP in which he compares with precedents in both US and UK law and shows just how murky the water might be.
- Erik Bethke's opening and closing pieces in which he seems to be putting his money where his mouth is, as he's taken some bold steps with his own EULA, for GoPets, which he runs.
10:33 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
The first wave of bad news
Lots of axe-weilding around the games industry, and in the tech industry in general. A few recent examples:
8:11 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Unfinished Swan
7:50 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Virtual World Taxman Cometh
As aluded to previously, we all knew it was coming.
[the ruling] seems to apply whether or not the value is cashed out.(and goes on to note)However, if the value is not cashed out and taxes are still paid, that could mean (maybe should mean) that the companies are liable if they manage to accidentally delete some of it. In other words, they’re banks.
2:30 PM