Thursday, July 7, 2005

Happy (belated) America Day

I'd meant to post some pix of our July 4, but didn't get around to it till now.

We started by taking a walk with the kids, master-blaster style, for a walk through the forest next to our block, and then over to see the horsies up the street and feed them some apples.

Tom gets a giggle out of the big "nay nay"

Jenny also likes the horsies.

There are actually 4 of them, but one wasn't around.

Then it was back home for some relaxation on the deck. Tom & Jenny changed into little kimono outfits from Alisa's mom's friend in Japan.

Gardening Time

We then went to a BBQ at Pete and Jen's place (sorry no pictures). I made yummy Tropical Hot Pepper Salsa:
- 2 mangos (diced)
- 1 papaya (diced
- juice of 1 lime
- minced fist full of cilantro
- diced Jalapenos (1 = wimpy, 2 = not as wimpy, 3 = now we're talkin', 4 = "whassat? can't talk?")
mix it up and serve. Gets better if it sits for a few hours.
Then back home to put the kids to bed and watch fireworks off the deck.

The view we get of the insanity that is American Pyrotechnic Enthusiasm is pretty awesome. We have a view that goes for miles and it really looks like there's a war going on, with rockets going off as far as the eye can see (Despite their being illegal here!) and smoke drifting across the valley. Here's a poor attempt at a composite shot taken at two angles for a "widescreen" view:

The view from the deck

The only down side is that out poor neurotic dog is terrified of the fireworks and he's a wreck for a couple weeks before and after the fourth.

This year, the fireworks woke Tom and Jenny up, so we got them out of bed to watch, and they loved it. Definitely the highlight of my July 4!

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