Book Review: Do The Work
Lately, I've been doing 4-5 books in parallel. A book in the gear bag, a book on the night table, one floating around the house, one on the iPad, and something lightweight on the phone.
The latter of these, my pick for the iphone, needn't be lightweight in sense of subject matter, but rather for phone use I tend favor books digestible in short chunks. Books by Seth Godin, Hugh McLeod or Guy Kawasaki come to mind. It was in this vein that I came across Do the Work
by Steven Pressfield and thought I'd add it to my reading list.
I was really rather disappointed by the book.
It's a sort of motivational book about execution, and pushing through resistance (outside and self-inflicted) to complete creative works.
Disappointing to hear, since I really found The War of Art useful. That said, it may well suffer the same repetitiveness you mention, but it's short enough not to bother me too much (at least at the time).
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