XKCD strikes again
Got a giggle out of me twice this morning:
Music Knowledge
The Raven
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert A. Heinlein
Got a giggle out of me twice this morning:
Music Knowledge
The Raven
9:27 AM
While travelling to NY this past week, I had time to catch up on a bunch of podcasts, lectures, and other audio tidbits.
One very cool one I recommend is this recording of a panel held by the Western Association of Venture Capitalists, where they held a panel discussion with a bunch of teens about their use of technology. It's a great first-hand account of trends in the making, and dispells some stereotypes (while reinforcing others).
Loved the quote from the one girl about having 13 IM chat windows open, as well as email and MySpace, and oh yeah, MS Word so that it looked like she was doing homework.
Another favorite was along the lines of "I never use email. All my friends text or im me, or get in touch through MySpace - email is just for teachers to get hold of me so it can only have bad news. If I ignore it, then it isn't there".
Link here.
11:43 PM
Opened up the inbox this evening to find this from Souris, aka Hustler of Culture. regarding this news item:
Senior industry sources have revealed to Next-Gen.Biz that the E3 industry event, in its present form, has been cancelled for next year and the foreseeable future
E3 going the way of the Dodo? Hardly sounds possible, does it?The factors combining this time seem to be:
The new article claims there will still be some kind of a smaller, scaled back event. It will be interesting to see what the "dwarf star E3" turns out to be, or whether the well has been poisoned enough that people won't support it...
9:54 PM
Full on BBQ action this evening.
Our friends Kelly (Alisa's old college roomie) and Rod (her hubby) came down from Vancouver for the day with their 3 kids in tow, so it was a real circus here.
I did dinner on the grill, which was:
2 peach nectar beer-can-style chickens
homemade peach-habanero BBQ sauce
grilled peppers
BBQ'd corn on the cob
And for desert
Grilled peaches and bananas with butter and sugar, topped with whipped cream.
9:50 PM
1:01 AM
12:53 AM
Guy Kowasaki points us to this AWESOME speech given by Majora Carter at the TED conference recently.
He lists a bunch of reasons it's a great speech, saying she's as good as Steve Jobs, but it still didn't prepare me for how moving a speech it was. I have to say that, based on this example, she's a better speaker than Jobs, hands down.
Her speech is on sustainable development in economically and socially neglected areas like the south bronx. While that doesn't soon like an exciting subject, she really makes it come alive.
I agree with all 13 reasons that Guy gives as to why it's a great speech, but I think he missed one: Her obvious life-devoting passion for the subject is what puts the driving force behind all her techniques and tactics.
Oh, and I *love* the way she firmly, but gently, gives Al Gore the smack-down at the tail end of the speech.
Moving. Riveting. Go. View. Now. 30 minutes of your time well spent.
Stream here.
Download here.
8:35 AM
I went to the dentist yesterday. I hadn't been since moving up here, and was overdue when I left Portland, so it was... very overdue to say the least.
My poor dental hygene habits aside, the clinic I switched to had jaw-dropping (groan-inducing pun intentional) technology compared to the clinic I was at in portland.
Biggest thing was that the X-rays are digital. Rather than shipping them off to a lab for development, they pop up on a PC screen immediately after snapping them. The downside is that you have to put a rather akward peripheral device in your mouth (gag), but the upsides are immediate results, and the fact that they were able to do all kinds of image processing filters/effects that let them better see results:
They also snapped a bunch of pics with a high res digital camera, stored them in the same database, and then when they spotted something on the xray, they were able to point it out to me on the digital pic and show me how to spot such things (in this case, a cavity I had).
Pretty high end stuff for a small clinic. Very cool.
7:13 PM
5:44 PM
Only days after posting the link to the Portal trailer, their 'First Person Puzzle' game, here I am again raving about Valve.
The trailer for Team Fortress 2 looks awesome. I *love* the Incredibles/Interstate76-esque toon-style dressing they've given it. Sold!
12:11 PM
Wow. For the last 8 years or so, I've heard rumor of either ATI or Nvidia being bought by either AMD or Intel. After almost a decade of rumor and speculation, it turned real today, when there was an announcement that AMD is buying ATI for 5.4B (4.2 of that in, as mookie would say, cash-money)
It raises more questions than it answers, but it certainly will shake up the processor and graphics market some.
Will AMD become more competitive on the integrated chipset side of things? What does this mean to Nvidia's business in that space (squeezed between ATI/AMD and Intel integrated rocks and hard places)?
Will this make ATI more competitive vs Nvidia in their AIB business, and AMD more competitive vs Intel on the CPU side of things going forward? Or is it like Andy Grove once said, "Just because you tie two rocks together doesn't mean they'll float"?
Will the AMD-integration strengthen ATI as a corporation, or diffuse (de-fuse?) it's culture and expertise as happened to other acquired graphics corporations of years past?
It'll be interesting to watch from the sidelines. That's for sure.
11:28 AM
Guy Kowasaki points us to The Speaking Channel, a nifty site which has this set of videos with speeches and accompanying commentary on what makes them good. I don't agree with all the points, but the Guy Kowasaki (you know there's a reason he pointed to it :-) and John Edwards speeches are worth watching.
Great site for those that speak to audiences from time to time and want to improve. They have audio and video podcasts as well. (The first few podcasts are in WAV format. Guess it took a while to figure out the whole MP3 compression thing :-)
Speaking of "Guys", the same site has the video of Guy Goma, the poor sap that was arriving at the BBC for a job interview, mistaken for another "Guy" who was late for a TV interview, and was whisked on the air and interviewed by the news anchor. The petrified look on his face as he tries to fake his way through it is hysterical. If you haven't seen it, it's worth the trip.
9:10 AM
I spend some time lurking on the Indian chapter's section of the IGDA forum. I think the industry as a whole is focusing on India less than it should, so I'm keeping an eye on things, and this is one place to do it.
Anyhow. I spotted this post there today (emphasis mine):
We are looking at development houses making online casual games for our upcoming portal. We are open to buying our existing games or getting customized development done.
High Level Specs:Flash/SHockwave basedCategories: Action, Arcade and Sports; Benchmark: Redline Rumble, Soccer on Pogo etc; Timeframe: 4 weeks;
Budget: below US$ 4000
Wow. Guess we'll have to check back in a month or two to see if you get what you pay for, or if the commoditization of development is something to be feared.
9:35 AM
This "Portal" game/mod/whatever from Valve looks way cool. The first FPP? (First Person Puzzle)
6:43 PM
Steve Lacey points us to a nifty little application of social network type applications.
You've used CAPTCHA before. It's the name given to those spam-id verification services that make you type in a string of semi-garbled, non-machine-readable characters to verify you are a human. Leave a comment on this blog post to see an example.
The problem is, they are a pain to use - at best they are tedious - and sometimes they are unrecognizable. (If you are like me, these unrecognizable ones lead you to a moment of wondering whether you are ones of the machines yourself!)
Anyhow, Steve points us to Hot Captcha, from the same folks that made Hot or Not (oh, come on, admit it, you've been there). Hot Captcha replaces the string of characters with a row of nine pictures of people. Three of those are hot, six are not. Pick the right three, and you are human.
As Steve points out:
They have provided a webservice that uses the collective intelligence of humans to put together a question set that is almost impossible for a non-human to answer. Pretty cool.
Pretty cool indeed.
8:47 AM
News here (via Shotgun Marketing blog) that Neilsen, the folks that do the TV ratings, will measure ad effectiveness starting this November (currently the just measure what SHOWS are watched on TV, not per-ad viewership).
This is pretty interesting.
1) I can't beleive they haven't already been doing it. Has there not been demand of objective data from the advertiser community?
2) This should put some real numbers behind the "everyone tivo's them out" hysteria.
3) At the meta level, is there competition between established (TV, print) and new (online, games) media for ad dollars, and is this a response to online giving better consumer-trend feedback?
10:09 PM
I had some time to kill at an offsite meeting, a tablet PC, and was trying out ArtRage.
10:02 PM
Pole Position Commercial! (Atari)
Robin points us to this awesome Atari commercial from the 80's for Pole Position. Also see her post for a link to the intro to the 80's TV cartoon by the same name.
10:03 PM
Rumor that Nintendo may make an October launch for the Wii. Maybe even (gasp!) September.
On a related note, while the rest of the blogosphere speaks otherwise, I *still* think PS3 won't ship this year. I await the catastrophic 11th hour announcement, the scandal, the outrage, and the immediate in-pouring of "you really called that one, kim!" emails :-)
2:44 PM
As far as web comics go, I am so digging xkcd. This one in particular gave me a giggle:
The joke is fractal too (many funny headlines within the bigger gag, like the one I titled this post with)
2:28 PM
Some marketing person at Nintendo deserves a VERY big raise for this PR stunt.
Everyone in the game-blogosphere (me too now) is blogging the news that Nintendo sent president Bush a copy of Brain Age and a DS lite for his 60th birthday.
If he never receives it, it's still the best $250 (DS+game+shipping+giftwrap) ever spent for PR. Effing brilliant.
And if he does get it, and it makes a teency-weency impact on the guy's IQ... well, hey, that could have an impact somewhere, no? (this assertion works whether you love or hate him :-)
From the letter they sent him:
Dear President Bush:
Happy Birthday!
Don't worry, turning 60 is an exciting milestone. As you know, you've joined millions of other baby boomers in an invigorating new decade of your life. And, like many boomers, you may be looking for ways to keep your mind sharp. That's where we come in.
Please accept our gift of a new Nintendo DS Lite system and a copy of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day. You now join millions of people around the world who have fun challenging themselves with Brain Age. If you have never played a video game before, don't worry. Brain Age is part of our new Touch Generations brand, which includes games that are easy for people of any age - regardless of their video game experience - to pick up and start playing immediately.
It's obvious you don't have a lot of time to play games, which makes Brain Age such a great activity for you - just a few minutes a day with more than 15 daily training tests will help keep your mind sharp. Training tests include categories like math, reading and memorization. Try it for a few days and watch your score improve. Brain Age also comes with more than 100 sudoku puzzles - these could make your next long flight on Air Force One a bit more fun! (Perhaps copies of Brain Age for journalists joining you on your next flight would be a nice distraction!)Have fun exploring Brain Age with your Nintendo DS Lite and be sure to let us know your brain age!
Have a tremendous birthday!
Your Friends at Nintendo
From Rocky Mountain News via 1up via GameTab via Robin.
1:55 PM
The July carnival is up, over at Grumpy Gamer. Go git'yer meaty games readin' now!
8:58 AM
Spent some time on my lazy 4th playing some games on the 360. Some random thoughts on the subject:
Prey: I played the Prey demo. I'm not a fan of shooters on the console, but it was there, and hey, this is a game 10 years in the making. Perhaps I should have worn my decade old, very worn, glow in the dark, Prey T-Shirt I got from the initial team working on it; in celebration. Anyhow, thoughts:
Xbox Live & Marble Blast Ultra: I'd sunk a bunch of time into this game a while back and after finishing 57 of 60 levels, I'd more or less petered out on it. Then on monday I got a message from my friend Marty (aka the Arctic Gin Monk) saying "Hey, I picked up MBU have have been working my way through the levels beating your times on all of them". To which I says, "Pardon me?" Then I was back on last night kicking his butt. Anyhow, I guess there's something to this Xbox Live leaderboard stuff after all.
Cameo: Pretty graphics, interesting mechanic with the acquiring of the different creatures and allowing you to swap them (and thus your capabilities) out. On the down side, the dialog writing is so painful that I alsmost gave up on the game after a couple bad jokes. Also, the intro level feels very bolted on.
Geometry Wars: I can't beat 500k to save my life. How do these young gamer whippersnappers do it?!?
11:59 PM
Guy Kowasaki points us to this Nolan Bushnell talk at a "startup bootcamp" conference a couple years back.
I saw Bushnell speak at a game conference a few years back and he's a good speaker. I'm usually not a fan of "In my day, a candy bar cost a nickel!" type of talks. However, he makes some good points and is an engaging speaker.
As an aside, his voice is remarkably similar to Tom Selleck's. Strange
9:37 AM
I have been meaning to get some notes up from Casuality, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I was a little burnt out after last week's "perfect storm" (Casuality + A partner event we put together the day before + last Friday was our fiscal year-end, so there were a bunch of deals to close and other odds and ends to tie up).
Anyhow, I spent this weekend puttering around the house instead, and enjoying pool time with the family. Also did a bunch of batch-cooking today to have some stuff frozen and ready to go during the work-week. I made:
- Citrus Chicken Kebabs
- Beef Satay
- Peach-stuffed honey chicken breast
- Mango-Papaya-Chili salsa (which serves well on bbq'd salmon, chicken, etc)
Hopefully that will help us resist the takeout temptation when the work week gets busy again.
11:36 PM